Do Banks Charge For Transferring Money UK

Do Banks Charge For Transferring Money UK? Banks are a crucial element of modern-day life. In the 21st century, many more individuals than ever are able to access their own banking accounts and count on managing their daily financial affairs, such as paying and receiving payments as well as saving money and even for loans.

So, it’s understandable that it’s the best option for international money transfers. But, while many banks will offer international transfers to their customers, charges to send money overseas can be expensive. Here in this article, we will answer your question do banks charge for transferring money UK? with a full explanation.

Do banks charge for transferring money UK?

Absolute yes, UK bank charges for sending money abroad can vary between banks. See the full explanation of your question below; do banks charge for transferring money Uk

Do banks charge for sending Money in the UK – Fees

Since the bank that is sending money imposes fees for wire transfers and bank charges to send money abroad can vary substantially, not just from bank to banking institution, but also from one country to the other:

In the UK high-street banks frequently declare themselves to be “fee-free” for wire transfers to international destinations, but it is quite typical to see them charge as high as PS20.00 for transfers to specific countries. Around the world, in Australia, the fees vary between A$6.00 to A$30.00 and the large New Zealand bank charges for transfers to other countries vary around NZ$10.00 to NZ$20.00 in exchange for a transfer.

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US banks, like typically charge a fixed, single fee for bank wires from abroad which typically falls within the range of US$25.00 up to US$40.00 for each transfer. In Canada, the transfer fee varies drastically (usually being in the range of C$3.00 to C$30.00 or more for each transfer) and are generally higher the more wires.

For South Africa, international bank transfer transactions are accompanied by a fee that is around 0.50 percent of the amount transferred (with limits on the maximum and minimum) and the fixed cost, which can range somewhere between R100.00 up to R200.00 depending on the transaction. Similar to the above, many Singaporean banks also charge a fee for transfer via telegraphic means (usually around 0.125 percent of the value of the transfer) along with a fixed cost in the range of S$20.00 up to S$30.00 to transfer.

Do banks charge for transferring money UK – Exchange Rates

The bank charges associated with sending money abroad are also accompanied by a significant cost: The exchange rate margin. The margin refers to the distinction between the market rate of exchange and the exchange rate that consumers are offered that is displayed by nearly every bank in the world even if it’s not disclosed in a transparent manner.

Do Banks Charge For Transferring Money UK
Do Banks Charge For Transferring Money UK

The margins for exchange rates fluctuate constantly and reflect the broader trends in the exchange market which makes them difficult to define. For most banks, the margins for exchange rates vary from 1.50 percent of the amount transferred up to 15.00 percent or higher at extremes. (It’s important to note that the margins for exchange rates tend to be less for transfers to major currencies of the world and higher for transfers to mysterious or volatile currencies.)

Exchange rates are typically charged in proportion to transaction costs to reflect the full expense of making an international wire transfer. For instance, UK banks tend to charge the majority (often the majority) of their fees in exchange rate margins. And consequently, their margins are very high (often approximately 8.00 percent to 10.00 percent) and their transfer charges are either negligible or not even present.

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On the other hand, Singaporean banks are more likely to charge most part of the international transfer charges like commissions and fixed charges which results in higher charges and smaller exchange rate margins. In the US, Australian banks tend to fall somewhere in between.

Do Banks Charge For Transferring Money UK
Do Banks Charge For Transferring Money UK

Bank Fees for Receiving Money From Abroad

Alongside the fees for sending money overseas; many banks will also charge different sets of charges to receive money from abroad. They can be billed in one or both these:

· Transaction fee

Fixed or commission fee charged per wire transfer made into an account. The money is usually debited immediately in the currency of the recipient (e.g. Barclays in the UK charges a PS6.00 fixed fee for each transfer that is received by a person outside SEPA).

· Margin of exchange

If the money sent isn’t exchanged by the sender, and is deposited into the account of the recipient with a currency other than the one used by the receiver the bank of the receiver will convert the funds at a rate that is less than the average market price.

What are the additional fees banks Charge to send money abroad?

For those who are asking that do banks charge for transferring money UK and what are the additional fees bank charges to send money abroad. There are numerous bank fees for sending money overseas – several of them going above the typical charges and exchange rates we have discussed above. This includes:

· Correspondent Bank Fees

An infamous fee in the field of international banking; the correspondent bank cost is a problem in the event that banks don’t have the infrastructure or the network to make financial transactions directly with all other banks in the world. In these instances, they make use of a different type of financial institution also known by the name of a correspondent bank to accomplish the job.

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Bank correspondent fees aren’t universal, so not every transfer will be subject to one. But, when they do enter the equation, they are likely to be expensive, generally within the range of US$10.00 or US$100.00 for each transfer (or equivalent to a currency).

Other Service Costs

You should not only be concerned about this alone (Do Banks Charge For Transferring Money UK). You also need to be concerned about other service charges; because banks typically charge extra charges when customers need to request wire transfers through the branch or via the phone. They usually take the form of more expensive fixed fees, which can increase the cost of bank transfers to send money abroad much more expensive especially when the transfer amount is small.

Do Banks Charge For Transferring Money UK – ATM Fees

In the UK, withdrawing money from a cash point using the debit card you have is generally completely free.

There are however a few variations:

Certain convenience cash machines such as those found in small stores, garage forecourts, or in nightclubs, can cost up to £5 every time you take money out of them. They’ll inform you of the charges displayed on the screen before you withdraw the cash so you can decide if you’d like to proceed.

A credit card to access cash is charged generally about £3 and you’ll have to pay interest beginning the day you withdraw the cash. The interest-free period only applies to purchases made using a card. Some prepaid cards cost you a fee to withdraw out cash through cashpoints.

What is the time frame for an international transfer?

International money transfers are typically performed via the SWIFT network, an encrypted payment system that connects banks all across the globe.

The banks as well as the money transfer companies make use of SWIFT.

Transferring money internationally within Europe generally takes about approximately 1-2 working days. Outside of Europe, it can be anywhere from 2 to 5 working days.


Bank charges to send money abroad can vary substantially, not just from bank to banking institution, but also from one country to the other. Alongside the fees for sending money overseas; many banks will also charge different sets of charges to receive money from abroad.