Themarbellas.Com Charge On Credit Card Reviews Charge on Credit Card Reviews: Have you ever checked your credit card statement and found a charge that you don’t recognize or remember making? If so, you are not alone. Many people have experienced this situation, and sometimes it turns out to be a simple mistake or a forgotten purchase. However, other times it could be a sign of fraud or identity theft, and you need to act quickly to protect yourself and your money.

One of the charges that some people have reported seeing on their credit card statements is charge. This charge may appear as a single or multiple transaction, ranging from a few dollars to hundreds of dollars. Some people have claimed that they have purchased items from a TikTok store called, and then they received the charge on their statements. Others have said that they have never heard of or visited either of these websites, and they have no idea how the charge got there.

So, what is charge on credit card reviews, and how does it happen? Is it a legit or a scam charge? And most importantly, what should you do if you see it on your statement? In this article, we will answer these questions and provide you with some tips and advice on how to deal with this charge. By the end of this article, you will have a better understanding of charge on credit card and how to prevent and resolve it. So, let’s get started! Charge on Credit Card Reviews?

What Is is a website that claims to sell various products, such as clothing, accessories, home decor, and electronics. The website has a simple and minimalist design, with a logo that says “Themarbellas” and a slogan that says “The best products for you”. The website also has a contact page that provides an address in Orlando, Florida, and a phone number that starts with 888.

However, there are several red flags that suggest that is not a trustworthy or legitimate website. For example:

  • The website does not have a secure connection (HTTPS), which means that any information that you enter on the website, such as your credit card details, could be intercepted by hackers or third parties.
  • The website does not have any customer reviews, ratings, testimonials, or feedback, which are usually indicators of the quality and reliability of a website and its products.
  • The website does not have any social media presence, such as Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter, which are usually platforms that online businesses use to promote their brand and interact with their customers.
  • The website does not have any terms and conditions, privacy policy, refund policy, or shipping policy, which are usually documents that online businesses provide to inform their customers of their rights and obligations.
  • The website does not have any clear or consistent information about its products, such as prices, descriptions, images, or availability. Some products have no prices or images at all, while others have prices that are too low or too high for the market value.
  • The website does not have any customer service or support, such as email, chat, or phone, that you can contact if you have any questions, issues, or complaints about your order or the website.
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All these factors suggest that is not a reputable or legitimate website and that it could be a scam or a front for fraudulent activities. Charge on Credit Card: How Does the Charge Happen?

There are several possible ways that the charge on credit card could happen. Some of them are:

  • You have purchased something from or, and you have received the charge as a result. However, you may not receive the product that you ordered, or you may receive a different or defective product. You may also receive additional or unauthorized charges from the same or different websites.
  • You have visited or, and you have entered your credit card details on the website, either intentionally or unintentionally. For example, you may have clicked on a pop-up ad, a link, or a button that redirected you to the website, and you may have entered your credit card details without realizing it. Or, you may have entered your credit card details on the website to verify your identity, age, or eligibility for a free trial, a discount, or a prize. In either case, you may have given your credit card details to scammers who have used them to make fraudulent charges on your account.
  • You have not visited or purchased anything from or, but your credit card details have been stolen or compromised by hackers or third parties who have used them to make fraudulent charges on your account. For example, you may have used your credit card on another website that was hacked or infected with malware, and your credit card details were leaked or exposed. Or, you may have used your credit card on a public or unsecured network, such as a Wi-Fi hotspot, and your credit card details were intercepted or captured. Or, you may have lost or misplaced your credit card, and someone else has found or stolen it and used it to make fraudulent charges on your account.

Regardless of how the charge happens, the result is the same: you have a charge on your credit card statement that you don’t recognize or remember making, and that could be a sign of fraud or identity theft.

What Should You Do If You See the Charge on Your Statement?

If you see the charge on credit card on your statement, you should not ignore it or dismiss it as a mistake. You should take immediate action to protect yourself and your money. Here are some steps that you should follow on How to Deal with Charge on Credit Card:

  1. Check your credit card statement carefully and look for any other suspicious or unauthorized charges, such as duplicate, recurring, or unknown charges. Make a note of the date, amount, and description of each charge, and compare them with your receipts, invoices, or records.
  • Contact your credit card issuer or bank and report the charge as fraudulent or disputed. Explain the situation and provide any evidence or information that you have, such as the website, the product, the order number, or the confirmation email. Ask them to cancel or reverse the charge, and to block or freeze your credit card account to prevent any further charges. Also, ask them to issue you a new credit card with a new number and a new security code.
  • Contact or and request a refund or a cancellation of your order. If you have purchased something from them, tell them that you are not satisfied with the product or the service, and that you want your money back. If you have not purchased anything from them, tell them that you have not authorized the charge, and that you want them to stop charging your credit card. Be firm and polite, and do not provide any more personal or financial information to them. If they do not respond or cooperate, file a complaint with the Better Business Bureau, the Federal Trade Commission, or your local consumer protection agency.
  • Monitor your credit card statements and your credit reports regularly and look for any signs of fraud or identity theft, such as new or unfamiliar accounts, inquiries, or charges. If you find any, report them to your credit card issuer or bank, and to the credit bureaus (Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion). You can also place a fraud alert or a credit freeze on your credit reports to prevent any new accounts from being opened in your name without your permission.
  • Review your online security and privacy settings and habits and make sure that they are up to date and strong. For example, you should use a secure connection (HTTPS) when browsing the internet, especially when entering or transmitting any personal or financial information. You should also use a strong and unique password for each of your online accounts, and change them regularly. You should also avoid clicking on any suspicious or unsolicited links, ads, or emails, and never give out your credit card details to anyone or any website that you don’t trust or know.
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By following these steps, you can deal with the charge on credit card and minimize the damage and the risk of fraud or identity theft.

How to Tell If a Website Is Legit or a Scam

Themarbellas.Com Charge On Credit Card Reviews: There is no foolproof way to tell if a website is legit or a scam, but there are some signs and clues that you can look for, such as:

  1. The website’s domain name. A legit website usually has a domain name that matches its name, brand, or purpose, and that ends with a common extension, such as .com, .org, or .net. A scam website may have a domain name that is misspelled, random, or unrelated to its content, and that ends with an unusual or foreign extension, such as .xyz, .biz, or .ru.
  • The website’s design and layout. A legit website usually has a professional and user-friendly design and layout, with clear and consistent information, images, and navigation. A scam website may have a poor and sloppy design and layout, with vague and inconsistent information, images, and navigation, or with too many pop-ups, ads, or redirects.
  • The website’s security and privacy. A legit website usually has a secure connection (HTTPS), which means that any information that you enter or transmit on the website is encrypted and protected. A scam website may not have a secure connection (HTTP), which means that any information that you enter or transmit on the website is vulnerable and exposed. A legit website also usually has a privacy policy, which explains how the website collects, uses, and protects your personal and financial information. A scam website may not have a privacy policy, or may have a vague or misleading one.
  • The website’s contact and customer service. A legit website usually has a contact and customer service page, which provides a physical address, a phone number, an email address, or a chat option that you can use to reach the website’s owner or staff. A scam website may not have a contact and customer service page, or may have a fake or non-working one.
  • The website’s reviews and ratings. A legit website usually has reviews and ratings from its customers, users, or followers, which reflect their experiences and opinions about the website and its products or services. A scam website may not have any reviews and ratings or may have fake or negative ones.
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These are some of the signs and clues that you can use to tell if a website is legit or a scam. However, you should also use your common sense and intuition, and do some research and verification before you trust or use any website, especially if it involves your personal or financial information.

Conclusion: Themarbellas.Com Charge On Credit Card Reviews charge on credit card is a suspicious and possibly scams charge that some people have noticed on their credit card statements. It could be a result of purchasing something from or, or of entering or losing your credit card details on or to a fraudulent website or party. If you see this charge on your statement, you should not ignore it or dismiss it as a mistake. You should take immediate action to report it, cancel it, and prevent it from happening again. You should also be careful and vigilant when using your credit card online, and only use it on reputable and secure websites that you know and trust. You should also check your credit card statements and your credit reports regularly and look for any signs of fraud or identity theft.

We hope that this article on Themarbellas.Com Charge On Credit Card Reviews has given you a better understanding of charge on credit card and how to deal with it. If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to leave a comment below. Thank you for reading and stay safe!