Are searching for an investment with a monthly income? Investment with monthly returns in Nigeria is a deliberate strategy that takes time and patience, especially in the beginning. Some people think investments are difficult transactions, but this is not true. This is the reason why it is very important to make reasonable investments that are ultimately worthwhile.
One of the smart decisions to make in investment is to invest in what can generate monthly income without working; this is known or called passive income. Talking about the investment it does not matter how much you have you earn or have in the bank; you can start to invest with the little you have. Even if you have to invest more money, the more you invest the faster you can expect a return on your investment.
However, the best thing about investing is that you start generating passive income over time. This will increase your total income and allow you to invest more and more. This article offers investment plans that can produce monthly returns even with small amounts of money.
Table of Contents
10 Most Important Investment With Monthly Returns In Nigeria
The number Investment with monthly returns in Nigeria on our list will be;
Food company investment
Food companies, depending on their strategic location and planning, have always had the potential to bloom. This is due to the fact that food is an essential commodity. If you invest in a restaurant, you can receive a monthly return because people eat every day.
Property (Rental properties)
Another investment with monthly returns in Nigeria is to create a monthly income flow is investing in rental properties. However, this requires considerable capital and the ability to professionally maintain the properties. You can also hire someone or an office to manage the property on your behalf. With rent rental, you can get monthly income from those you rent.
Agriculture – Investing in agricultural
Here comes another investment with monthly returns in Nigeria, you can earn a lot of money when you invest in agriculture. That is why we see a new series of millionaires from the agricultural sector climbing in Nigeria. The trend will certainly continue as long as the government and millionaires continue to stimulate agriculture through investments.
Subsectors in agriculture that have investment options are:
- Maize
- Cassava,
- Beans
- Rice
- Banana
- vegetables, etc.;
The production of cattle such as poultry, landfills, fish agriculture, and curly breeding are good sectors to invest. You can find a farmer to invest in your company and from there you get your own monthly business profit.
There is an indirect model with which you can spend your money on experienced organizations that are involved in large-scale agriculture. These companies invest your money in these companies and pay that you periodically return to your investment and at the end of your company this is to adulthood.
Taxify Business or Uber
The transportation investment is also one of the best Investment with monthly returns in Nigeria, especially when you invest in places like Lagos, Abuja, and other states with a lot of populations. Uber and Taxify are the two companies that lead the transport company. Both companies offer the best investment options in the big cities of Nigeria.
To invest in Taxe or Uber, all you need to do is buy a car, register at one of the companies, and hire a driver. This director will yield a profit at the end of the week or month (depending on his contract)
Investment funds
Talking about the financial company; a lot of financial companies offer the opportunity to invest in investment funds designed for monthly income. These investment funds can help produce this monthly income flow. One of them is Stanbian IBTC investment funds. This is one of the best Investment with monthly returns in Nigeria. Stanbic IBTC investment funds offer around 12% interest per year for all investors and you can also roll your investments if you want to.

Treasury Bills – Treasury accounts
Treasury accounts are another investment with monthly returns in Nigeria. The only difference is that you receive your interest in one go. For example, if you probably invest about a million Naira on a treasury drawing, and you will receive an interest of 10% of your investment in the first month. This director will yield a profit at the end of the week or month (depending on his contract)
Mini-import company investment
The mini-important company is one that you must analyze if you are interested in monthly investment returns in Nigeria. The mini-important company is particularly worthwhile because you only need a small capital. With mini-import, you can only invest N10, 000 and start the production of both N50,000 monthly. If you do not have a product to sell, you can still receive income to sell someone else’s product. This is known as gout freight.
Dropshipping is great because it means that you do not have to invest in action or deliver goods. All you have to do is to ask for goods online. Sites such as AliExpress enable you to import goods at cheaper prices and you can sell them for more profit
Transport company
The transport company depends on which materials are transported. You can analyze the transport of natural resources such as limestone, bars, iron ore, etc. These natural resources are sought by large production companies and will certainly yield their profit, even monthly. All you need is a contract with a producer to transport goods and other equipment, such as a truck.
Invest in dividend shares with high payment
Many made rich shares of dividends with high payments. Dividends pay those companies to their shareholders (usually every quarter) as a sign of appreciation for investing and maintaining their actions. The trick is to choose the company that you invest it wisely and to invest the dividends you deserve. This has a composite effect and leaves you a good amount of money when you retire. Make sure you understand how this market is carried out so that you can choose the right shares to invest in.
Digital investments that pay monthly income
You have probably heard of cryptocurrencies. Cryptocurrency is growing rapidly in popularity and price. When you invest in digital currency, it will be in value and you will be technically paid every month.
Body care company
The body care company includes hairstyles, manicures, pedicures, body creams, and more. People always care about their appearance, so this company would always thrive. That is why you can make it easier to look, and invest in body care. This company will certainly bring a monthly return to your pocket because there is no lack of sponsorship.
Conclusion – Investment with Monthly Returns In Nigeria
There are many investments in Nigeria with monthly returns that you can choose from. However, we have just summarized them for these few. Always have a clear insight into a company and the recent performance and potential returns for diving. That is why blind reckless investments, regardless of the business community, only lead to losses.
Good luck with your investment.