AllCO Insurance Plc Reviews 2022

AllCO Insurance Plc Reviews 2022; AIICO Insurance was founded in 1963. The company offers life insurance, health insurance, and general insurance. They also have subsidiaries in asset management and pension management operational services to create wealth for individuals and corporate clients.

AllCO Insurance Plc Reviews 2022 – AIICO Insurance Plc. is one of the largest life insurance companies in Nigeria and the leading insurer for general insurance companies. They are also one of the top players in the oil and gas industry. The insurance company is ranked as one of the top three insurance companies in Nigeria.

They offer a range of non-life insurance products and services to private and corporate clients. Their strong global support makes them a pioneer in cutting-edge and high-quality options for their customers. Stability, strength, security, and experience over the years have made them a better asset across all insurance classes in Nigeria.

Their Wealth Management firm has a team of experienced professionals, industry analysts, and risk management professionals eager to create investment strategies that respond to clients’ needs. AIICO Asset Management is a specialist company dedicated to providing clients with tailor-made investment solutions and strategies.

AllCO Insurance Plc Reviews 2022

AllCO Insurance Plc Reviews 2022: AIICO Insurance earns 4.1 out of 5 stars for overall performance. Ratings are determined by taking into account price, discounts, ease of claim reporting, website transparency, financial strength, and social media complaint data.

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What does AIICO insurance do?

AIICO Insurance offers insurance products such as life insurance and annuities, non-life insurance, special risks, and health insurance. The company serves a diversified client base that includes companies, financial institutions, governments, and individuals in Nigeria.

Insurance products from AIICO Insurance

AIICO Insurance offers a wide range of insurance products for Nigerians.

Here is a list of insurance products you can buy from AIICO Insurance.

Life Insurance

AIICO Insurance’s life insurance plans are:

· Business Savings Plan

A unique savings plan from AIICO Insurance that provides financial protection, including life insurance coverage to be paid in the event of death within the policy.

· Annuity Plan

AIICO Insurance’s annuity plan protects you from the possibility of exceeding your financial means when you retire. This plan also provides for a lump-sum payment in the event of the policyholder’s death.

· Group Life Insurance Plan

AIICO’s Group Life Insurance Plan is a long-term insurance plan offered by an employer to its employees. It is also known as a death benefit. If you die, this plan pays out a lump sum to your family or loved ones

· Moneywise Life Insurance Plan

AIICO Insurance’s MoneyWise Life Insurance Policy provides for the welfare of said beneficiaries in the event of the death of the insured during the term of the policy.

· Other life insurance plans

AIICO Insurance offers to include Education Plan, Flexible Capital Life Plan, Income Investment Plan, Life Celebration Plan, Mortgage Protection Plan, Term Insurance Plan, and Three Payment plans.

AllCO Insurance Plc Reviews 2022
AllCO Insurance Plc Reviews 2022

General Insurance

AIICO Insurance’s general insurance plans are:

  • Agricultural Insurance
  • Boiler Insurance
  • Deposit Guarantee
  • Car Insurance
  • Aviation Insurance And Travel Insurance
  • Builder’s Liability
  • Home Contents Insurance And Burglary And Burglary Insurance
  • Transport Insurance & Transport Insurance
  • Professional Liability Insurance
  • Business Liability Insurance
  • Fire And Burglary Insurance, Fire And Special Risks
  • Machine Breakage Insurance & Machine Loss Insurance
  • Consequential Loss Insurance
  • All Risk Insurance For Contractors
  • Electronic Devices Policy
  • Employer’s Liability
  • Erection All Risk Insurance
  • Loyalty Guarantee
  • Sea Freight Insurance & Hull & Machinery Insurance
  • Business Liability Insurance
  • Oil And Gas
  • Personal Accident Insurance
  • All Risk Insurance For Investments
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How AIICO Insurance Claims Are Processed

Before reporting a claim to AIICO Insurance, make sure you understand the insurance terms of your contract. Once a request is received, the company will act immediately to process the claim. They provide a claimant with a guide to make the claim process easier for the customer. There are various channels through which you as a customer can initiate your claim settlement. you are below;

You can go to any AIICO branch with the necessary supporting documents to report your claim. A customer service representative will take care of you accordingly and guide you through the next steps.

The company has also set up a digital claims center to ensure fast and friendly claims handling. You can report damage via the digital damage center on their website. All you need to do is fill in the form and upload the necessary supporting documents. Once a claim has been reported and discreetly investigated, a settlement offer is made to the claimant via a release form.

A check will be issued immediately upon receipt of the applicant’s letter of resignation.

AllCO Insurance Plc Reviews 2022 Frequently Asked Questions

What is AIICO Insurance Customer Service

AIICO Insurance customer service can be reached by phone from Monday to Friday from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM. You can reach them on these numbers 01-279-2930 and 0700 AIIContact (0700 2442 6682 28).

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How Do I File AIICO Insurance Claims?

You can submit a claim through AIICO Insurance’s online claim form. You can also email (  AIICO Insurance or call the company’s customer service.

How Much Does AIICO Travel Insurance Cost?

As with any insurance, the price varies widely. It all depends on your preferences and budget. AIICO Travel Insurance has a plan for every preference and budget, and all you need to do is buy one.

How Can I Get AIICO Travel Insurance?

Buying AIICO travel insurance is easy. All you need to do is go to your nearest AIICO insurance office and speak with an AIICO employee or agent. AIICO Insurance has offices in 16 states in Nigeria. You can also contact AIICO Insurance through their official website or by emailing

What Retirement Benefits Does The AIICO Pension Offer?

In principle, they offer their customers the following pension plans:

Forced Retirement: Under the Pension Reform Act 2014, mandatory pension benefits apply when an employee reaches the age of 50. However, this is also extended with the retirement age of your organization. Basically, right now you can access a programmed payout or buy an annuity system.

Job Loss: Losing a job is also a valid reason to receive a retirement benefit. However, there are certain advantages as after 4 months without a new job you can only get 25% of the amount.

Retired for Medical Reasons: Pensions for medical reasons work like a regular retirement, with payments to cover your health care bills and a programmed payout system.

Dead in Service: In the event of accidental death while on duty, they will pay your owed amount to your beneficiary as specified in your RSA records.

Conclusion – AllCO Insurance Plc Reviews 2022

What Is The Purpose Or Goals Of AllCO Insurance? As an insurance company, AIICO’s goal is to be the insurer of choice and the leading insurance company in Nigeria, providing life insurance, pensions, and underwriting services to a sizeable and diversified customer base that includes companies, financial institutions, governments, and individuals in Nigeria.

AIICO is the market leader in life insurance and personal retirement benefits and the market leader in non-life insurance in Nigeria. Our core insurance business is complemented by our leading asset management and health management businesses.