9 Budgeting Tips – How To Budget Money On Low Income

Have you been wondering about How to Budget Money on Low Income? or how to save money on a low income? Saving money is among the most important habits to master in the realm of the creation of wealth.

But what happens is a situation whereby you’re not earning as much now? You may think you can’t “afford” to save money even on a modest income, but never underestimate the value of starting small. Here in this guide, we will be showing you how to budget money on low income; more important is to choose the mode of improvement that the perfect.

Budgeting – How to Budget Money on Low Income

Here are some tips that will help on how to save money on a low income. 

· Make a Budget That Is the Best for You

Making the best budget plan for yourself is the first thing to do on how to budget money on low income. Many people have an abusive relationship with the term “budget” because they assume that it’s too complicated or difficult. The most important thing to remember when budgeting is to design a budget that you can use!. Check out these budgeting apps.

A budget is extremely useful because unplanned money is the easiest to spend.

Budgets can contain all expenses, as well as your savings goals rather than “stretching out” and promising to save “whatever is left” after each month. You’ll save more money on a lower income if you make a conscious effort to set and stick to your budget. 

· Each Week, Separate Cash for Expenses

A budget is a tool to aid you in living a more economical lifestyle. It lets you clearly see the numbers and figure out what to set aside for what. To make how to budget money on low income even more effective you can use a cash wrap system (Envelop system) and I would suggest doing this weekly rather than monthly.

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It’s as easy as grabbing an envelope to cover all the major expenses and label them accordingly to the envelope’s purpose.

Envelope A could be to be used for food, Envelope B for transportation, and so on. With these, you’ll be able to know exactly what you spent in each envelope every day and the amount you’ve remaining for the remainder of the week.

The cons of this are it could be stolen if you don’t keep it safe. Therefore, you may prefer to keep this information digitally by keeping track of each inflow and outflow as well as the amount you have remaining to spend on every expense each week.

· Make Sure You Have Cash on Hand for Unexpected Gifts

This aspect is also a great thing to take note on how to budget money on low income It can be tempting to purchase extravagant cash presents however, putting it aside as savings can allow you to reach your savings goals quicker. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t invest your money on something you’re looking forward to since at the end of the day, it’s YOLO (You only live once). However, spending your entire life on things is unwise.

Instead, you can use it to establish the process of creating your Emergency Funds or add it to your existing savings plan for yours. You are already surviving on the current income you earn, therefore, you can pretend that you didn’t receive any other benefits. In addition, if you are in any outstanding debts, you are able to take advantage of all or part of it to pay them off to increase your financial standing overall.

To enjoy your life while remaining disciplined, you can set a goal for yourself to save at least 50 percent of the income available to you. 

9 Budgeting Tips - How To Budget Money On Low Income
9 Budgeting Tips – How To Budget Money On Low Income

· Live Cheaply

Living cheaply is also another thing that will definitely help you how to budget money on low income. Paper shopping is a good way to save cash in the real world. To make money, even at the bottom end, revenue losses must be muffled.

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To avoid temptation, make a list of the items you will need and the estimated cost. This will help you keep your shopping expenses in check. Make sure you buy things that matter and try to avoid spending money fast. It’s not a good idea to let go of desires at the moment however, if you’ve made plans and follow the plan, then you’ll find that better times are coming your way.

· Enjoy Life

This may not be in an article about saving on a modest income, but let’s look at YOLO again. It is essential to lead in a healthy way and not stressing about money can negatively affect your mental wellbeing. Therefore, when you create your budget you should also include inexpensive entertainment or recreation.

Learn about the destinations you can go to that don’t require that you spend a lot of money. This will enable you to make the time to unwind and enjoy your life with a tight budget.

· Utilize the 25% income per month rule

Examine your costs for living and make necessary adjustments. One way to determine whether you’re overspending on accommodation is to multiply the cost of your rental by 12, and then make sure your monthly rent per month doesn’t exceed more than 25% of earnings.

For example, if you pay N500,000 for your rental per year and earn $120,000 per month. By dividing your rent by 12 – approximately 41,666 per year. Based on these figures and the 25% rule I mentioned earlier, the rent payable should not exceed N30,000 for a month (that’s 25 percent of N120,000, which means that your annual rental shouldn’t be more than N360,000).

If your monthly rent is more than 25 percent of your monthly income You must decide whether to change to a less expensive home or increase the amount you earn each month.

Another alternative is to live in a common space until you can spend more. If you’re not planning to leave your apartment which costs you N500,000 per year, you can find an apartment with a roommate who shares the rent. The rent will be N250 000 per year then it is 20.833 per month. Instead of going over the 25% budget, you set for rent, you’ll be able to control it and spend more money.

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If you’ve been thinking about how to budget money on a low income; this can help you on how to save money on a low income that you can end up saving more money from what you earn.

· Make Life Financial Plans

A financial plan is a primary aspect of how to budget money on low income. Imagine what you’ll want to achieve in the next 3 to 5 years now, and then break your financial commitments to either weekly as well as monthly goals. It is easier to perform when looking at it from the beginning. So you can achieve these goals one savings habit at a time.

· Get a Side Gig

You can earn additional income to supplement your regular income by working legitimate side jobs that aren’t in conflict with your current work commitments.  In order to save money, it is best to make more money and side jobs could be beneficial.

Additionally, side-gigs don’t need to be a lot of work. Do you enjoy cooking? You can cook meals in large quantities for busy professionals.

Do you love writing? You can make a content calendar for the week and help small-sized businesses develop articles for their social channels.

· Get Started Now, No Matter How Small

Wealth creation is a long-term investment. Even when money is tight, it is important to undertake a disciplined process of saving over a long period of time. You can save money even on a low income by starting by saving a small portion each month.

Some believe they should hold off until they earn more money so that they “can save” but sticking to this plan will produce amazing results over the course of time. If you hold off until later, it may be difficult to adhere to this strategy since you’ve not gotten your habit of saving regularly.


How to Budget Money on Low Income should not be negotiable. To make sure that you don’t go into fail to pay, make sure you pay yourself each payday, the same way you pay any other charge. You can create an automatic savings plan with some banks every payday of the month. So, you don’t “forget”.

If you’re feeling financially strapped right now, this article on how to budget money on low income is for you, kindly read and implement it. Don’t delay!!! See the Best budgeting apps in 2022 that you can use.